Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Spirit World

“We know that death is not the end.” President Thomas S. Monson, General Conference, April 1, 2012

“Who then will enter the kingdom of heaven? Not those who merely do wonderful works using the name of the Lord, Jesus taught, but only “he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.” Elder Dallin H. Oaks, Ensign, November 2011, pg 90-93

“No child needs to walk the path alone so long as we speak freely to our children of the plan of salvation. Understanding the plan will help them hold to the truths that they are children of God and He has a plan for them, that they lived with Him in the premortal existence, that they shouted for joy to come to this earth, and that through the Savior’s help, we all can return to our Heavenly Father’s presence. If they understand the plan and who they are, they will not fear.” Rosemary M. Wixom, Ensign, November 2010

“The temporal is intertwined with the spiritual. God has given us this mortal experience and the temporal challenges that attend it as a laboratory where we can grow into the beings Heavenly Father wants us to become.” President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Ensign, November 2011; pg 19-22

“I am excited about these and other developments. Tasks that once seemed beyond reach are now within our grasp. ‘With God nothing shall be impossible.’ A new harvest time has come. The way is opening by which we can obey His will and provide welding links between all dispensations and generations.” Elder Russell M. Nelson, General Conference, April 1998,


After a lot of death in our family this last eight months, I have spent a lot of time thinking and praying about the Spirit World. I know that there is a place for us after this life. I know that we will be busy working and spreading the Gospel. I know that I can help those who are on the other side progress the work by doing genealogy and attending the temple here in this mortal state. I know that death is just another beginning, just like a birth. We enter into that next “phase” of being. One that will be a joyous occasion when the time is right.

Scripture Study

Scriptures are like packets of light that illuminate our minds and give place to guidance and inspiration from on high. They can become the key to open the channel to communion with our Father in Heaven and His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.” Elder Richard G. Scott, Ensign, November 2011.

“Establish a time and place to study the scriptures on a daily basis, even if it’s only for a few minutes at a time.” Elder M. Russell Ballard, General Conference, November 1997,

“If you have not already developed the habit of daily scripture study, start now and keep studying in order to be prepared for your responsibilities in this life and in the eternities.” Julie B. Beck, General Conference, April 2004,

“Time for scripture study requires a schedule that will be honored. Otherwise, blessings that matter most will be at the mercy of things that matter least.” Elder Russell M. Nelson, General Conference, October 2000,

“The discipline of following a scripture-study plan of learning the gospel was a wonderful, rewarding experience. The knowledge of the teachings of the scriptures would unfold in a glorious way through individual study.” L. Tom Perry, General Conference, October 2001,

The scriptures can form a foundation of support. They can provide an incredibly large resource of willing friends who can help us. A memorized scripture becomes an enduring friend that is not weakened with the passage of time.” Elder Richard G. Scott, Ensign, November 2011.

“Let us place higher priority on family prayer, family scripture study, and family home evenings and eliminate those activities that fill our lives with worldliness and evil.” Elder L. Tom Perry, Ensign, November 1999,


Reading the scriptures gives me such peace. Every time that I read them something always applies to what I am struggling with at that time in my life. The scriptures are important, but I also know that the talks of the general authorities are just as important, if not more so. They all have the same teachings, but the talks are pertinent to our times and social issues. Heavenly Father knows what we need now. That is why we have a living prophet to help guide and direct us in the way that the Lord wants us to go. Having a set scripture study is very important, but can be difficult with little children. I know from experience that the more you do it the more the kids want to do it as well.


“What may appear initially to be a daunting task will be much easier to manage over time as you consistently strive to recognize and follow feelings prompted by the Spirit. Your confidence in the direction you receive from the Holy Ghost will also become stronger. I witness that as you gain experience and success in being guided by the Spirit, your confidence in the impressions you feel can become more certain than your dependence on what you see or hear.” Elder Richard G. Scott, Ensign, November 2009, pg 6-9

If you want greater clarity in understanding and believing the still, small voice, there is no better medicine than greater obedience.” Elder Neil L. Andersen, Liahona, December 2010, pg 24-31

“The Lord doesn’t care at all if we spend our days working in marble halls or stable stalls. He knows where we are, no matter how humble our circumstances. He will use – in His own way and for His holy purposes – those who incline their hearts to Him.” President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Ensign, November 2011; pg 19-22

“As you serve others for Him, He lest you feel His love. And in time, feelings of charity become part of your very nature. And you will receive the assurance of Mormon in your heart as you persist in serving other in life that will be well with you.” President Henry B. Eyring, November 2011, pg 68-70

“Jesus Christ is the Only Begotten and Beloved Son of God. He is our Creator. He is the Light of the World. He is our Savior from sin and death. This is the most important knowl­edge on earth, and you can know this for yourself, as I know it for myself. The Holy Ghost, who testifies of the Father and the Son and leads us into truth, has revealed these truths to me, and He will reveal them to you. ” Elder Dallin H. Oaks, Ensign, November 2011, pg 90-03

“We first should desire, yearn for, and seek the companionship of the Holy Ghost.” Elder David A. Bednar, General Conference, October 2010,

“The gift of the Holy Ghost, which is the right to receive the Holy Ghost as a constant companion, is obtained only upon condition of faith in Christ, repentance, baptism by immersion, and the laying on of hands by authorized servants endowed with the Melchizedek Priesthood. It is a most precious gift available only to worthy members of the Lord’s Church.” Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin, General Conference, April 2003,

“It is of this Comforter that I wish to discuss with you. I do so because I am persuaded that there is a greater need for divine oversight in our lives today than ever before. I wish to testify that, by the power and gift of the Holy Ghost, we can know what to do and what not to do to bring happiness and peace to our lives.” President James E. Faust, Ensign, April 1996,

“…knowledge comes from the word of scripture, and that testimony comes by the power of the Holy Ghost.” President Gordon B. Hinckley, General Conference, October 1986,

“By following the feelings that come to us, we learn to trust that they do come from our Father. We “grow up” (D&C 109:15) in learning to discern this voice.” Elder Neil L. Andersen, Liahona, December 2010, pg 24-31


During the last eight months, or so, as my family and I have been dealing with a lot of death; I have learned so much about promptings. I know that through our trials we are taught, and I have been taught a lot. I continue to learn everyday. I have had such a wide range of promptings through all of this. I have experienced the common, quiet thought; I have heard a voice tell me an answer to a question; I have felt the warm feeling in my heart and had a thought of what I should say during a difficult moment. I know that Heavenly Father has greatly blessed my family and I with promptings. I am striving to live in a way that invites those promptings more.


“Parents, be aware that the addiction of pornography can begin with youth at a very early age. Take preventative action to avoid that tragedy.” Elder Richard G. Scott, Ensign, November 2009, pg 6-9

“This is a critical time in your lives, when you are establishing a foundation for your families and your careers. There are many demands for your attention, and your time is limited by a wide variety of constraints. But be sure that you give the Lord His portion of your time and avoid completely such evils as pornography.” Elder M. Russell Ballard, talk delivered at Brigham Young University, March 12, 1996, LDS. org

“In our day the dreadful influence of pornography is like unto a plague sweeping across the world, infecting one here and one there, relentlessly trying to invade every home, most frequently through the husband and father. The effect of this plague can be, unfortunately often is, spiritually fatal. Lucifer seeks to disrupt ‘the great plan of redemption, the great plan of happiness.’” President Boyd K. Packer, General Conference, October 2010,

“Patrons of pornography also lose the companionship of the Spirit. Pornography produces fantasies that destroy spirituality.” Elder Dallin H. Oaks, General Conference, April 2005,

Pornography, the carrier, is big business. It is evil. It is contagious. It is addicting. It is estimated that in recent years Americans alone spent $8–10 billion per year on hard-core pornography -a fortune siphoned away from noble use and diverted to a devilish purpose!” President Thomas S. Monson, Ensign, July 2001,

“In recent years pornography has spread like wildfire. We are exposed to it daily. Pornography is as addictive as many substances we would not even consider taking into our bodies. The consequences of pornography are catastrophic.” David H. Burton, General Conference, April 2000,

Pornography is as addictive as cocaine or any illegal drug.” President James E. Faust, New Era, March 2003,

Pornography is a plague that is detrimental not only to a person’s moral standing with God, but it can also destroy marriages and families and has an adverse impact on society. “ Elder Quentin L. Cook, CES Devotional for Young Adults, March 4, 2012, Brigham Young University–Idaho,

Pornography is especially dangerous and addictive. Curious exploration of pornography can become a controlling habit, leading to coarser material and to sexual transgression.” President Thomas S. Monson, Ensign, November 1990,

“…start by separating yourself from people, materials, and circumstances that will harm you. As those battling something like alcoholism know, the pull of proximity can be fatal. So too in moral matters.” Elder Jeffery R. Holland, General Conference, April 2010,


This is such a destructive thing. Satan has really taken this and is hitting people hard by tempting a very basic instinct. More and more of it is slipping into our daily lives. I noticed a billboard in Idaho Falls with a lady in lingerie. How do you protect your children from something like that? I can’t change the billboard. It is scary as a parent to see so much of this becoming the “norm.” I know that once he gets a hold of a person using this, it is a steep and slippery slope. It always starts small and seemingly innocent, but I believe that it can and does quickly turn into something more in explicit and more binding. It is not something that you can’t come back from, but you will loose a lot along the way. I am trying hard to make sure that our house doesn’t get the complacent attitude toward nudity, especially with the television.


“Let go of judgement,…Two word sermon, ‘Stop It!’” Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, General Conference, April 1, 2012

Forgiveness is not always instantaneous …most of us do not think first about forgiveness. Our natural response is anger. We may even feel justified in wanting to ‘get even’ with anyone who inflicts injury on us or our family.” Elder James E. Faust, General Conference, April 2007,

“The gospel teaches us that relief from torment and guilt can be earned through repentance. Save for those few who defect to perdition after having known a fullness, there is no habit, no addiction, no rebellion, no transgression, no offense exempted from the promise of complete forgiveness.” President Boyd K. Packer, April 2005,

“The Redeemer can settle your individual account with justice and grant forgiveness through the merciful path of repentance.” Elder Richard G. Scott, New Era, March 2010,

“A spirit of forgiveness and an attitude of love and compassion toward those who may have wronged us is of the very essence of the gospel of Jesus Christ.” President Gordon B. Hinkley, November 1991,

“The scriptures call him the “accuser” because he wants us to feel that we are beyond forgiveness (see Revelation 2:10). Satan wants us to think that when we have sinned we have gone past a “point of no return”—that it is too late to change our course. …It is the message of love, hope, and mercy that there is a reconciliation of man with God.” President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, General Conference, April 2007,

“Forgiveness can be earned only through full repentance. Truly, the miracle of forgiveness finalizes the healing of ruptured cords of spiritual integrity.” Russell M. Nelson, Ensign, Aug. 1995,

“The miracle of forgiveness is real, and true repentance is accepted of the Lord.” President Ezra Taft Benson, General Conference, April 1986,

“We each need to feel the Savior’s arms of mercy through the forgiveness of our sins.” Elder Neil L. Andersen, General Conference, October 2009,

“Savior has made it clear that to receive forgiveness you must forgive others their offenses against you.” Elder Richard G. Scott, General Conference, October 2004,


I know that forgiveness is part of repentance, but it is so complicated its self that I wanted to search it out separately. There is the aspect of forgiving others, forgiving yourself, and being forgiven by Heavenly Father. Each one takes work and effort to obtain. I know that when a work hard and I am able to forgive someone who has hurt my feelings, or who has done something wrong towards me, I feel better. It is like that analogy of carrying around stones, the more you hold onto the hard it is to bear. I know that through the atonement and with the help of my Heavenly Father I can be forgiven, I can forgive others, and most difficult, I can forgive my self.


“Brothers and sisters, may we focus on the simple ways we can serve in the kingdom of God, always striving to change lives, including our own. What is most important in our Church responsibilities is not the statistics that are reported or the meetings that are held but whether or not individual people—ministered to one at a time just as the Savior did—have been lifted and encouraged and ultimately changed. Our task is to help others find the peace and the joy that only the gospel can give them. In seven words, Jesus summarized how we can accomplish this.” Elder M. Russell Ballard, Ensign, Nov. 2006, pg 18–20

“Pray regularly. Serve faithfully in whatever capacity a call is extended, including home and visiting teaching when you’re old enough.” Elder Richard G. Scott, General Conference, November 1997,

“Occasionally we find some who become so energetic in their Church service that their lives become unbalanced. They start believing that the programs they administer are more important than the people they serve. They complicate their service with needless frills and embellishments that occupy too much time, cost too much money, and sap too much energy. They refuse to delegate or to allow others to grow in their respective responsibilities.” Elder M. Russell Ballard, Ensign, Nov. 2006, pg 18–20

“I can’t be a perfect servant every hour, but I can try to give more effort than I thought I could.” President Henry B. Eyring, Ensign, November 2011, pg 56-59


I have always been taught that you don’t turn down callings. I know that when we accept a calling we are blessed if we try to fulfill it to our best ability. Sometimes I get discouraged because I often seem to end up with multiple callings and find my self questioning the leadership. During those times I always seem to get the same statement come to mind, ‘There is a reason.’ I don’t fully know what that means, but it always makes me stop and remember that we are given callings to help us and to help others. So, I try to change my attitude and look for ways to help others.


“Family time is sacred time. …Family is the basic organization in this time and in the eternities” President Boyd K. Packer, General Conference, March 31, 2012

“Do things to let our children know that we love them, and things that let them know that we love our Heavenly Father. … Show love and forgiveness as does our Heavenly Father.” David F. Evans, General Conference, April 1, 2012

“Today we are reaping a harvest of family love from seeds sown years ago. Preparations to strengthen family ties came in 1823, when the angel Moroni first appeared to the Prophet Joseph Smith. Moroni announced the coming of Elijah, who would cause the hearts of children to be turned to their fathers.” Elder Russell M. Nelson, General Conference, April 1998,

“In choosing how we spend time as a family, we should be careful not to exhaust our available time on things that are merely good and leave little time for that which is better or best. … Super family activities may be good for children, but they are not always better than one-on-one time with a loving parent. …Parents should act to preserve time for family prayer, family scripture study, family home evening, and the other precious togetherness and individual one-on-one time that binds a family together and fixes children’s values on things of eternal worth. Parents should teach gospel priorities through what they do with their children.” Elder Dallin H. Oaks, General Conference, October 2007,

“Sometimes you might be tempted to think as I did from time to time in my youth; ‘The way things are going, the world’s going to be over with. The end of the world is going to come before I get to where I should be.’ Not so! You can look forward to doing it right – getting married, having a family, seeing your children and grandchildren, maybe even great-grandchildren.” President Boyd K. Packer, Ensign, November 2011, pg 79-82


Family is the most basic and essential unit through all time and the eternities. It is the most important support system there is on this earth. It is the greatest responsibility of young, married couples. A family is a great gift and a great source of happiness, if you let it be. I think that you have to make family a priority to really benefit form it. If family is not a priority I it becomes an annoyance, only because it is not a priority like Heavenly Father intended it to be. I love my family and have been blessed with a wonderful one, both my side and my husbands’ side. We have the best times together. Our happiest memories involve multiple families together.

Family Home Evening

“My dear brethren and sisters, I would like to say something about family home evening this afternoon. As President Kimball addressed the Stockholm Area Conference he pointed out the great need of home teaching and family home evenings to help neutralize the ills of the world. He said: “The spirit of the times is worldliness. Hoodlumism is common. Supposedly good youth from recognized good families express their revolt in destructive acts. Many defy and resist the law-enforcing officers. Respect for authority, secular, religious, and political, seems to be at a low ebb. Immorality, drug addiction, and general moral and spiritual deterioration seem to be increasing, and the world is in turmoil. But in our time the Lord has offered his ageless program in new dress and it gives promise to return the world to sane living, to true family life, family interdependence. It is to return the father to his rightful place at the head of the family, to bring mother home from social life and employment, the children away from unlimited fun and frolic. The home teaching program with its crowning activity, the family home evening will neutralize the ill effects only if people will apply the remedy.” James A. Cullimore, Ensign, January 1975, pg 3–4.

“Every home is a house of learning, either for good or otherwise. Family members may learn to be obedient, honest, industrious, self-reliant, and faithful in living gospel principles, or they may learn something else. Learning the gospel in the homes of Church members should be centered on the scriptures and on the words of latter-day prophets.” Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin, General Conference, April 1993,

“When we follow the prophets’ counsel to hold family home evening, family prayer, and family scripture study, our homes become an incubator for our children’s spiritual growth. There we teach them the gospel, bear our testimonies, express our love, and listen as they share their feelings and experiences. By our righteous choices and actions, we liberate them from darkness by increasing their ability to walk in the light.” Elder Robert D. Hales, General Conference, October 2010,

“Whether we are young or old, single or married, whether we have children at home or have become empty nesters, family home evening can increase unity and love in our homes. Family home evening is for everyone.” President James E. Faust, Ensign, June 2003,

“Regarding our home evenings, an evening home with the family or an evening out to some place of interest with your family only partly solves the need of the home evening. Basically important is the teaching of the children the way of life that is vitally important. Merely going to a show or a party together, or fishing, only half satisfies the real need, but to stay home and teach the children the gospel, the scriptures, and love for each other and love for their parents is most important.” Spencer W. Kimball, General Conference, October 1977,

“[The Lord] expects us to have family home evening—one night a week to gather our children together and teach them the gospel. Isaiah said, ‘And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord.’ That is the commandment: ‘All thy children shall be taught of the Lord.’ And the blessing: ‘And great,’ he said, ‘shall be the peace of thy children’ [Isa. 54:13]” (meeting, Nouméa, New Caledonia, 17 June 2000).” President Gordon B. Hinkley, Ensign, March 2003,

“We cannot afford to neglect this heaven-inspired program. It can bring spiritual growth to each member of the family, helping him or her to withstand the temptations which are everywhere. The lessons learned in the home are those that last the longest.” President Thomas S. Monson, Ensign, April 2005,

“Today if you could ask our adult sons what they remember about family prayer, scripture study, and family home evening, I believe I know how they would answer. They likely would not identify a particular prayer or a specific instance of scripture study or an especially meaningful family home evening lesson as the defining moment in their spiritual development. What they would say they remember is that as a family we were consistent.” Elder David A. Bednar, General Conference, October 2009,

“…we need to greatly increase religious observance in the home. Weekly family home evening and daily family prayer and scripture study are essential. We need to introduce into our homes content that is “virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy.” If we make of our homes holy places that shelter us from evil, we will be protected from the adverse consequences that the scriptures have foretold.” Elder Quentin L. Cook, General Conference, October 2010,

“May the Lord strengthen your resolve, your exercise of faith, and your use of growing character so that you may be every bit the instrument for good that He desires.” Elder Richard G. Scott, Ensign, January 2007,


I know that with a young family it is hard to hold family home evening. It often leads to Mom and Dad being frustrated and kids bouncing off walls. However, there are those moments when you realize that what is being taught is actually sinking in. It is for those moments that my husband and I keep trying. We know that holding family home evening makes a difference in our home. We can feel and see the difference. When we hold family home evening the week seems to go more smoothly, the kids tend to behave better, and most importantly the Spirit is stronger in our home through the week. I know that as we strive to hold family home evening Heavenly Father will continue to bless us.


“I share a warning. Satan is extremely good at blocking spiritual communication by inducing individuals, through temptation, to violate the laws upon which spiritual communication is founded. With some, he is able to convince them that they are not able to receive such guidance from the Lord.” Elder Richard G. Scott, Ensign, November 2009, pg 6-9

“Whenever we disobey, we spiritually paint ourselves into a corner and are captive to our choices. Though we are spiritually stuck, there is always a way back. Like repentance, turning around and walking across a newly varnished floor means more work a lot of resanding and refinishing! Returning to the Lord isn’t easy, but it is worth it. As we understand the challenge of repenting, we appreciate the blessings of the Holy Ghost to guide our agency and Heavenly Father, who gives us commandments and strengthens and sustains us in keeping them. We also understand how obedience to the commandments ultimately protects our agency.” Elder Robert D. Hales, Ensign, November 2010, pg 24-27

“…never forget that your Heavenly Father know, loves, and cherishes you.” President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Ensign, November 2011; pg 120-123

“Whoever you are and whatever you have done, you can be forgiven. Every one of you young men can leave behind any transgression with which you may struggle. It is the miracle of forgiveness; it is the miracle of the Atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ. But you cannot do it without an active commitment to the gospel, and you cannot do it with out repentance where it is needed.” Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, Ensign, November 2011, pg 44-47

We live in a complex world with daily challenges. There is a tendency to feel detached, even isolated, from the Giver of every good gift. We worry that we walk alone.

From the bed of pain, from the pillow wet with the tears of loneliness, we are lifted heavenward by that divine assurance and precious promise, “I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee” (Josh. 1:5).” President Thomas S. Monson, Ensign, June 1997,


I am so grateful to know that there is a way to correct the wrongs that we do. I can’t imagine what this world would be like if there was no hope. If it were a, “once you mess up that is it,” situation. The despair would be unbearable. I know that Jesus died for me and that because of his sacrifice I am able to have the opportunity to repent and try again. It is this knowledge that gives me hope. It also helps me to try my best to not sin. I don’t want to be more of a source of any of my elder brother’s pain. I love my Heavenly Father and know that the atonement is another great gift that has been arranged for our use.



“Our degree of gratitude is a measure of our love for Him.” Elder Russell M. Nelson, General Conference, April 1, 2012

“We don’t stop to ask a man who is drowning if he needs help, we just jump in. Such in life saying ‘Let me know if I can help,’ isn’t really doing any good. … Be enlisted and encouraged.” Ronald A. Rashband, General Conference, April 1, 2012

“Whenever we choose to come unto Christ, take His name upon us, and follow His servants, we progress along the path to eternal life.” Elder Robert D. Hales, Ensign, November 2010, pg 24-27

“Help our children make their own connection with Heaven. … Help them learn to exercise their agency with the guide of Heaven.” Larry Y. Wilson of the Seventy, General Conference, April 1, 2012

“Because the eternal principle of agency gives us the freedom to choose and think for ourselves, we should become increasingly able to solve problems. We may make the occasional mistake, but as long as we are following gospel principles and guidelines, we can learn from those mistakes and become more understanding of others and more effective in serving them.” Elder M. Russell Ballard, Ensign, Nov. 2006, pg 18–20

“Given that there must be opposition in all things (see 2 Ne. 2:11), with agency comes the need to choose good from evil. Moreover, agency also opens the possibility for sin; that, in turn, creates the need for repentance.” Elder L. Tom Perry, Ensign, November 1999,

“When we use the term moral agency, we are appropriately emphasizing the accountability that is an essential part of the divine gift of agency. We are moral beings and agents unto ourselves, free to choose but also responsible for our choices.” Elder D. Todd Christofferson, Ensign, June 2009,

“You and I were among those who used their agency to accept Heavenly Father’s plan to come to earth, to have a mortal life, to progress. …Now we are here on earth, where opportunities to use our agency abound…” Elder Robert D. Hales, Ensign, May 2006,

“Free agency means the freedom and power to choose and act. Next to life itself, it is man’s most precious inheritance.” President Marion G. Romney, Ensign, May 1976,

“Belief in the goodness and power of God is greatly facilitated by understanding His plan of salvation with its crucial allowance for mankind’s moral agency, real moral agency—with real mistakes and with real consequences! His plan includes real tests, real dilemmas, real anguish, and real joy.” Elder Neal A. Maxwell, Ensign, November 1987,


We have been given agency for our good. However, if we choose to exercise our agency in a way that allows Satan to have power over us he will try to destroy us. Our Heavenly Father has blessed us with agency to help us grow and learn for ourselves. What we do with our agency can ultimately determine how happy we are. I know that as long as I use my agency to try and follow Heavenly Father’s teachings I know that I will be happy and eventually be able to return to Him.